Sunday, December 7, 2014

Terrible burglars

Ken is the master of free shit and McGyvering those things he can't get for free. He has made wifi antennas from Pringles cans and AIS (a fancy boat tracking system) out of bear trackers. I'm not even kidding. The guy could kick McGyver's ass in a duct tape competition.  (Come to think of it, they do look somewhat alike...if only Ken would start feathering his hair...)

The other day, Ken wandered by a nearby street where the city was redoing the sidewalk. Most people would see useless, broken up chunks of concrete. Not Ken - he saw hole-filler.  He and Jason pulled a giant rock out of his driveway the other day (see, what did I tell you - McGyver in action).  Clearly said hole needed to be filled.

He and Jason went to re-appropriate a few concrete blocks from said construction site. Jason, however, makes a terrible burglar in his bright orange jacket.

Our big plan for this house is to learn the ways of the Ken.  We figure normally it would cost us a trillion dollars to build a house, and Ken could build it for virtually 0, so maybe, just maybe, we could use Ken methods and only spend half that.

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