Friday, December 12, 2014

Chainsaws to the rescue!

Serious windstorm the other day.  We rode it out on the boat without incident but when we got to the land, there were a few downed trees.  We had big plans to do some tree geo-location and a bit more driveway clearing when a neighbor stopped by and mentioned the downed tree on the road.  CHAINSAWS TO THE RESCUE!  An excuse was all Ken and Jason needed to break out the chainsaw and start limbing and bucking that guy - it was HUGE!

We combined javelin practice with removing the limbs to get them out of the road

And of course a little see-saw time as a distraction (Safety Pup was not amused)

Once one trunk came down, we just prayed that no neighbors would come screaming up the hill in a car and get decapitated by the other one.

Once the tree was limbed and bucked, we had the simple job of getting it off the road.  Ken's big tool for the job?  A dolly.

Fortunately, he also brought along his peavey

And of course the truck - gotta use the truck for this job.  The only thing we were missing was a tractor...

More chainsaw pics to come as we start doing some clearing, but it was nice to practice on a tree that was already down.

In other news, I planted my first Vashon garden!  Casey and I cleared a little spot and planted some garlic and red onions; hopefully it doesn't get overtaken by trailing blackberry before we get back from Christmas.

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