Monday, December 8, 2014

Logger friends

I've started keeping notes of which of our friends has extraordinary skill in particular house-building areas.  Turns out we know people that do ICF's, cabinetry, siding, all sorts of stuff.  We're totally planning to use our friends.  In return, we will give them free Agile software development advice.  Or at least let them come stay whenever they want once we're done.

It turns out our friends Mark and Molly know a thing or two about dropping trees.  AND they have chainsaws (yes, multiple) despite living on a sailboat - they did pare their collection down to 3, and that was a giant win.  Our chainsaw lessons began last weekend.  I'll let you guess which face cut here is Mark's, and which is Jason's.

In addition to cutting some trees down, we also need to get the rootballs out - and after much YouTube research, Jason decided the best way to do this was with...the truck (it's a damn good thing we got that sucker).  He was in hog heaven switching that thing into 4 low. 

It was a great day AND no one got mangled by a tree - SUCCESS!  On the ferry on the way back, we started a new tradition: Ferry Beers! 

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